Physical Therapy

Our Physical Therapy Department provides inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. MMC’s Physical Therapists perform evaluation and treatment of patients with musculoskeletal, neurological, and functional impairments. Services are directed at addressing pain and functional deficits in order for patients to return to their pre-injury status.


Our skilled team of Physical Therapists is here for you.


Our Physical Therapists provide healing strategies for those living with chronic, non-healing wounds as well as acute, traumatic wounds. Wounds are evaluated and treated with a variety of specialized products and dressings.

Our scope of practice includes wound debridement, advanced wound dressings, placental tissue grafting, and wound vacs. Wound care is a complex procedure; our providers work closely with patients to create an individual care plan. Contact your primary care provider today for a referral to our Physical Therapy Department.


Physical Therapists

Jay L. Dunn PT, DPT
Michele Wolfe PT, DPT

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